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If you find any link that is not working properly, please let me know and I will verify the link, update it if necessary, or remove it. I will be adding to this list as time allows.

Do check back often. 

Do You know?

 An unusual anecdote to relief  Stress, Frustration, Overworked, Anger, etc. . You Must Read It To Appreciate ! [ Click ]

Are you suffering from Panic Attacks (Disorders)? Calm yourself. Check out some tried and tested calming methods [ Click ]

Walk, Don't Run - Just some of Linda Tom's instant de-stress delights. [ Click ]

A Lesson On Ageing & Life :  A "Must Read Article" - An inspirational story by Linda Chan . We grow old because we stop playing ..... There are four secrets to staying young [ Click ]

Family - A touching story ......[ Click ]

Other Links

Capricorn Scrapbook -  is an extension of the Guiding Light web site. It serves as a mini show case of image effects,  Chinese calligraphy,  some of the world's best  caricatures, cartoons and illustrations, and collectible articles and items, etc. for internet viewing pleasure.

Special Occasions  - Season's Greeting Messages. Not Activated


Dare You Visit The Mansion and The Haunted House .. Do so at your own risk !!.

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