Anecdote To Relief
Frustration, Anger, Overworked
[ Anonymous ]
A Courteous Person
- One who says "Excuse me" before
farting and "Sorry" after that.
A Dishonest Person
- One who farts and then blames one's dog.
A Foolish Person
- One who suppresses a fart for hours.
A Knowledgeable Person
- One who knows when to fart.
A Miserable Person
- One who truly enjoys to fart but cannot.
A Mysterious Person
- One who exhudes undetectable farts.
A Nervous Person
- One who stops in the middle of a fart.
A Proud Person
- One who think his farts are extremely
A Sadistic Person
- One who farts in bed and fluffs the
covers over his bed mate.
A Scientific Person
- One who farts regularly but is concerned
with pollution.
A Shy Person
- One who releases silent farts and then
A Stereotype Person
- One who farts regularly.
A Strategic Person
- One who conceals one's farts by loud
A Stupid Person
- One who farts and then takes in a deep
breath to balance up.
A Thrifty Person
- One who has farts in reserve.
A Vain Person
- One who loves the smell of one's own
An Amiable Person
- One who loves the smell of other people's
An Anti-Social Person
- One who excuses himself and farts in
complete privacy.
An Aquatic Person
- One who farts in the bath then bursts the
An Athletic Person
- One who farts at the slightest exertion.
An Honest Person
- One who admits he has farted but offers a
good medical reason.
An Intelligent Person
- One who can determine the smell of his
neighbours' farts.
An Unfortunate Person
- One who tries to fart but shits instead. which one descibes you?
A Good Laugh ! Feeling Better Now?
& Yvonne Tseng
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