Award Review

Golden Web Award Winner

Monday, 12 February 2001 18:38:32 -0500 (EST)


Your web-site has been reviewed and
chosen to bear the 2001-2002 Golden Web Award.
As a recipient of the prestigious Golden Web Award,
we invite you to join your fellow webmasters and designers
 in over "130" countries worldwide, by becoming a respected
 member of the International Association of Web Masters &
Designers  address below where you may pick up your award.

International Association of Web Masters and Designers.

(I.A.W.M.D) [email protected]

Courtesy of I.A.W.M.D.




Friday, 23 February 2001 15:09:30 -0500

Dear Terence, 

Please use the following url, 

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] 

Thank You

Kelly Olivas




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